Demonstrating reduction of vulnerability classes: a key step in CISA’s “Secure by Design” pledge

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, securing software systems has never been more critical. Cyber threats continue to exploit systemic vulnerabilities in widely used technologies, leading to widespread damage and disruption. That said, the United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) helped shape best practices for the technology industry with their Secure-by-Design pledge. Cloudflare signed this pledge on May 8, 2024, reinforcing our commitment to creating resilient systems where security is not just a feature, but a foundational principle.

We’re excited to share an update aligned with one of CISA’s goals in the pledge: To reduce entire classes of vulnerabilities. This goal aligns with the Cloudflare Product Security program’s initiatives to continuously automate proactive detection and vigorously prevent vulnerabilities at scale.   

Cloudflare’s commitment to the CISA pledge reflects our dedication to transparency and accountability to our customers. This blog post outlines why we prioritized certain vulnerability classes, the steps we took to further eliminate vulnerabilities, and the measurable outcomes of our work.

The core philosophy that continues: prevent, not patch

Cloudflare’s core security philosophy is to prevent security vulnerabilities from entering production environments. One of the goals for Cloudflare’s Product Security team is to champion this philosophy and ensure secure-by-design approaches are part of product and platform development. Over the last six months, the Product Security team aggressively added both new and customized rulesets aimed at completely eliminating secrets and injection code vulnerabilities. These efforts have enhanced detection precision, reducing false positives, while enabling the proactive detection and blocking of these two vulnerability classes. Cloudflare’s security practice to block vulnerabilities before they are introduced into code at merge or code changes serves to maintain a high security posture and aligns with CISA’s pledge around proactive security measures.

Injection vulnerabilities are a critical vulnerability class, irrespective of the product or platform. These occur when code and data are improperly mixed due to lack of clear boundaries as a result of inadequate validation, unsafe functions, and/or improper sanitization. Injection vulnerabilities are considered high impact as they lead to compromise of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the systems involved. Some of the ways Cloudflare continuously detects and prevents these risks is through security reviews, secure code scanning, and vulnerability testing. Additionally, ongoing efforts to institute improved precision serve to reduce false positives and aggressively detect and block these vulnerabilities at the source if engineers accidentally introduce these into code.

Secrets in code is another vulnerability class of high impact, as it presents significant risk related to confidential information leaks, potentially leading to unauthorized access and insider threat challenges. In 2023, Cloudflare prioritized tuning our security tools and systems to further improve the detection and reduction of secrets within code. Through audits and usage patterns analysis across all Cloudflare repositories, we further decreased the probability of the reintroduction of these vulnerabilities into new code by writing and enabling enhanced secrets detection rules.

Cloudflare is committed to elimination of these vulnerability classes regardless of their criticality. By addressing these vulnerabilities at their source, Cloudflare has significantly reduced the attack surface and the potential for exploitation in production environments. This approach established secure defaults by enabling developers to rely on frameworks and tools that inherently separate data or secrets from code, minimizing the need for reactive fixes. Additionally, resolving these vulnerabilities at the code level “future-proofs” applications, ensuring they remain resilient as the threat landscape evolves. 

Cloudflare’s techniques for addressing these vulnerabilities

To address both injection and embedded secrets vulnerabilities, Cloudflare focused on building secure defaults, leveraging automation, and empowering developers. To establish secure default configurations, Cloudflare uses frameworks designed to inherently separate data from code. We also increased reliance on secure storage systems and secret management tools, integrating them seamlessly into the development pipeline.

Continuous automation played a critical role in our strategy. Static analysis tools integration with DevOps process were enhanced with customized rule sets to block issues based on observed patterns and trends. Additionally, along with security scans running on every pull and merge request, software quality assurance measures of “build break”  and “stop the code” were enforced. This prevented risks from entering production when true positive vulnerabilities were detected across all Cloudflare development activities, irrespective of criticality and impacted product. This proactive approach has further reduced the likelihood of these vulnerabilities reaching production environments. 

Developer enablement was another key pillar. Priority was placed on bolstering existing continuous education and training for engineering teams by providing additional guidance and best practices on preventing security vulnerabilities, and leveraging our centralized secrets platform in an automated way. Embedding these principles into daily workflows has fostered a culture of shared responsibility for security across the organization.

The role of custom rulesets and “build break” 

To operationalize the more aggressive detection and blocking capabilities, Cloudflare’s Product Security team wrote new detection rulesets for its static application security testing (SAST) tool integrated in CI/CD workflows and hardened the security criteria for code releases to production. Using the SAST tooling with both default and custom rulesets allows the security team to perform comprehensive scans for secure code, secrets, and software supply chain vulnerabilities, virtually eliminating injection vulnerabilities and secrets from source code. It also enables the security team to identify and address issues early while systematically enforcing security policies.

Cloudflare’s expansion of the security tool suite played a critical role in the company’s secure product strategy. Initially, rules were enabled in “monitoring only” mode to understand trends and potential false positives. Then rules were fine-tuned to enforce and adjust priorities without disrupting development workflows. Leveraging internal threat models, the team writes custom rules tailored to Cloudflare’s infrastructure. Every pull request (PR) and merge request (MR) was scanned against these specific rule sets, including those targeting injection and secrets. The fine-tuned rules, optimized for high precision, are then activated in blocking mode, which leads to breaking the build when detected. This process provides vulnerability remediation at the PR/MR stage.

Hardening these security checks directly into the CI/CD pipeline enforces a proactive security assurance strategy in the development lifecycle. This approach ensures vulnerabilities are detected and addressed early in the development process before reaching production. The detection and blocking of these issues early reduces remediation efforts, minimizes risk, and strengthens the overall security of our products and systems.


Cloudflare continues to follow a culture of transparency as it provides increased visibility into the root cause of an issue and consequently allowing us to improve the process/product at scale. As a result, these efforts have yielded tangible results and continue to strengthen the security posture of all Cloudflare products.

In the second half of 2024, the team aggressively added new rulesets that helped detect and remove new secrets introduced into code repositories. This led to a 79% reduction of secrets in code over the previous quarter, underscoring Cloudflare’s commitment to safeguarding the company’s codebase and protecting sensitive information. Following a similar approach, the team also introduced new rulesets in blocking mode, irrespective of the criticality level for all injection vulnerabilities. These improvements led to an additional 44% reduction of potential SQL injection and code injection vulnerabilities.

While security tools may produce false positives, customized rulesets with high-confidence true positives remain a key step in order to methodically evaluate and address the findings. These reductions reflect the effectiveness of proactive security measures in reducing entire vulnerability classes at scale. 

Future plans

Cloudflare will continue to mature the current practices and enforce secure-by-design principles. Some other security practices we will continue to mature include: providing secure frameworks, threat modeling at scale, integration of automated security tooling in every stage of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), and ongoing role based developer training on leading edge security standards. All of these strategies help reduce, or eliminate, entire classes of vulnerabilities.


Irrespective of the industry, if your organization builds software, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with CISA’s ‘Secure by Design’ principles and create a plan to implement them in your company. The commitment is built around seven security goals, prioritizing the security of customers.

The CISA Secure by Design pledge challenges organizations to think differently about security. By addressing vulnerabilities at their source, Cloudflare has demonstrated measurable progress in reducing systemic risks.

Cloudflare’s continued focus on addressing vulnerability classes through prevention mechanisms outlined above serves as a critical foundation. These efforts ensure the security of Cloudflare systems, employees, and customers. Cloudflare is invested in continuous innovation and building a safe digital world. 

You can also find more updates on our blog as we build our roadmap to meet all seven CISA Secure by Design pledge goals by May 2025, such as our post about reaching Goal #5 of the pledge.

As a cybersecurity company, Cloudflare considers product security an integral part of its DNA. We strongly believe in CISA’s principles issued in the Secure by Design pledge, and will continue to uphold these principles in the work we do.

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